His research found that being in a situation where you are trying to concentrate on a task, and an email is sitting unread in your inbox, can reduce your effective IQ by 10 points. And although people ascribe many benefits to marijuana, including enhanced creativity and reduced pain and stress, it is well documented that its chief ingredient, cannabinol, activates dedicated cannabinol receptors in the brain and interferes profoundly with memory and with our ability to concentrate on several things at once. Wilson showed that the cognitive losses from multitasking are even greater than the cognitive losses from pot‑smoking.Read more in the Guardian.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Why the modern world is bad for your brain
"In an era of email, text messages, Facebook and Twitter, we’re all required to do several things at once. But this constant multitasking is taking its toll. Here neuroscientist Daniel J Levitin explains how our addiction to technology is making us less efficient." An excerpt:
Work Anxiety Kills Thousands of Americans Every Year
Workplace stress contributes to 120,000 deaths and up to $190 billion in health-care costs annually, a new study estimates. Read more in Bloomberg.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Is Snapchat Really Confusing, or Am I Just Old?
"A 32-year-old’s hopeless quest to understand America’s fastest-growing social app." Read more in Slate.
Thanks, +Branca Ballot de Miranda
Thanks, +Branca Ballot de Miranda
Expect lots of puppies, little cleavage in Super Bowl ads
An excerpt:
Companies shelling out $4.5 million for every 30-second spot during this Sunday's Super Bowl will be playing it safe -- really safe.
While companies like GoDaddy and Chrysler previously pushed the envelope when it comes to gender, this year's advertisers are going out of their way to showcase powerful women and nurturing men.
Actress Mindy Kaling is starring in an ad for Nationwide Insurance, for example, and a Dove For Men's spot highlights a series of men acting like caring fathers. T-Mobile, which won't reveal details of its ad until the big day, told Fortune that it will feature "two female comedians known for challenging the status quo." Even Victoria's Secret is toning its ad down this year by featuring its models fully-clothed in football gear.Read more in Fortune.
Silicon Valley's culture of failure … and 'the walking dead' it leaves behind
Though tech startups rely on origin myths and mantras like 'Fail fast, fail often,' the psychic toll of unrelenting failure simmers just beneath the exuberance. Read more in the Guardian.
Thanks, +Cassie Coravos
Thanks, +Cassie Coravos
Congressman Tim Ryan Changes Position On Abortion After Talking To Women
Definitely took courage for him to change his position. Read the story in HuffPo.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Make Your Own Commune
Going in on a building or apartment with a group of friends, your in-laws, or even complete strangers isn’t as crazy as it sounds. Read more in NY Mag.
Thanks, +Lucas Chapin
Thanks, +Lucas Chapin
Proof that there is a market for everything
Online market for buying and selling canceled weddings & honeymoons. Check out the site at CanceledWeddings.com.
Thanks, +Katherine Stiner
Thanks, +Katherine Stiner
How To Do What You Want: Akrasia and Self-Binding
Thought this was an excellent post in the Beeminder Blog. An excerpt:
Aristotle have a fancy term for this paradoxical failure of the will: akrasia. It encompasses procrastination, lack of self-control, lack of follow-through, and any kind of addictive behavior. Another way to define akrasia is by generalizing from procrastination to include preproperation as well. Procrastination is the irrational delay of tasks with immediate cost and delayed benefit. Preproperation is the irrational not delaying of (overindulgence in) activities with immediate benefit and delayed cost.Also, check out the Beeminder app for getting to InboxZero. Thanks, +Mark Wilson
A New Level of Refugee Suffering
Angelina Jolie on the Syrians and Iraqis who can’t go home. Read more in the NYT.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Helena Morrissey, Aiming at Britain’s Glass Ceilings, Gets Results
Read more about Helena's work with the "30% Club" in the NYT.
Thanks, +Leslie Labruto. Read past blog posts about Helena.
Thanks, +Leslie Labruto. Read past blog posts about Helena.
How to Leave a Mark
An excerpt:
So over the past generation many of the most talented people on earth have tried to transform capitalism itself, to use the market to solve social problems. These are people with opposable minds: part profit-oriented and part purpose-oriented. They’ve created organizations that look a little like a business, a little like a social-service provider, and a little like a charity — or some mixture of the three...
...Impact investing is probably the most promising of these tools. Impact investing is not socially responsible investing. Socially responsible investing means avoiding certain companies, like tobacco growers. Impact investors seek out companies that are intentionally designed both to make a profit and provide a measurable and accountable social good. Impact funds are frequently willing to accept lower financial returns for the sake of doing good — say a 7 percent annual return compared with an 11 percent return. But some impact investors are seeking to deliver market-rate returns.Read David Brooks's post in the NYT.
If Your Boss Thinks You’re Awesome, You Will Become More Awesome
Favorite excerpt:
Subordinates rated by the consistently tougher managers were confused or discouraged—often both. They felt they were not valued or trusted, and that it was impossible to succeed.Read more in HBR. Thanks, +Elaine Choi
Monday, January 26, 2015
They Asked Me What I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up. I Said ‘Happy’
Dear Quote Investigator: Did musical superstar John Lennon really tell the following story about his childhood?
Thanks, Andrea S
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.Check out this quote's background in the Quote Investigator.
Thanks, Andrea S
HBR Management Tip of the Day: Set a Bedtime and Stick to It for Better Productivity
Good reminders. So hard to do:
Many of us don’t get enough sleep. And this isn’t just an inconvenience – it worsens our mood, weakens our memory, scatters our focus, and makes us more susceptible to anxiety. To perform at our best, we need rest. Enough said. Since most of us can’t sleep in later, the only option is to get to bed earlier. And yet we don’t. We stay up late because it’s our only downtime. Start tracking how you spend your time after work. Think about what you can cut back on (mindless Facebook scanning), so you can do the activities you enjoy (watching TV) earlier. Identify an exact time when you want to be in bed. Then give yourself 30 minutes to wind down before attempting sleep. Create a relaxing pre-sleep ritual. Read something that makes you happy, lower the temperature, and avoid blue light (the kind emanating from your smartphone and computer screen).Read more in HBR.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Creating a New Mission Statement
An excerpt:
Thanks, +Elaine Choi
Forget the New Year’s resolution. This year, try creating a personal mission statement instead. While it is common for businesses to define goals and values with mission statements, most people never take the time to identify their individual senses of purpose.Read more in the NYT.
Thanks, +Elaine Choi
Saturday, January 24, 2015
What I Learned About Life After Interviewing 80 Highly Successful People
An excerpt:
Read James Altucher's post in LinkedIn. Thanks, +Michele Choi
The only correct path is the path correct for you. Scott Adams tried about 20 different careers before he settled on drawing Dilbert. Now, he's in 2000 papers, has written Dilbert books, Dilbert shows, Dilbert everything.
Everyone was shocked when Judy Joo gave up a Wall St. career to go back to cooking school. Now she's on the Food Channel as an "iron chef."
Don't let other people choose your careers. Don't get locked in other people's prisons they've set up just for you. Personal freedom starts from the inside but ultimately turns you into a giant, freeing you from the chains the little people spent years tying around you.And this one! "The average kid laughs 300 times a day. The average adult...5."
Read James Altucher's post in LinkedIn. Thanks, +Michele Choi
Capturing Changes In The Way We Connect
Photographer Jacob F. Lucas put together a book called Commute Culture, addressing how technology is changing human connections.
Read more in NPR. Thanks, +Elaine Choi
Read more in NPR. Thanks, +Elaine Choi
Friday, January 23, 2015
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Letter from a Birmingham Jail
Always worth revisiting: Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
Take a moment to read a letter MLK wrote from a Birmingham Jail in 1963.
Thanks, +Ted Gonder
Take a moment to read a letter MLK wrote from a Birmingham Jail in 1963.
Thanks, +Ted Gonder
How To Be Motivated: 4 New Insights From Research
My favorite was the section on AMP and "small wins." Read more in Barking Up the Wrong Tree.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Apervita Creates Health Analytics for the Millions
"Evidence-based medicine, therefore, is failing to tap a lot of resources that could save lives. A commonly cited observation is that research findings take 17 years to go into widespread practice. That’s 17 years of unnecessary and costly suffering."
Read more about Apervita's mission at EMR & EHR. Thanks, +Elaine Choi
Read more about Apervita's mission at EMR & EHR. Thanks, +Elaine Choi
What Ruth Bader Ginsburg Taught Me About Being a Stay-at-Home Dad
A young lawyer puts his former boss’s ideals into practice. An excerpt:
Nearly half of fathers report dissatisfaction with the amount of time that they are able to spend with their children. The gender-equality debate too often ignores this half of the equation.Read more in the Atlantic. Thanks, +Claire Packer and +Melody Wang
Constructing a Conversation on Race
Some stats for perspective:
Thanks, +Gloria Ahn
It may come as little surprise that 88 percent of blacks gauged that level of discrimination as “a lot” or “some” as opposed to “only a little” or “none at all,” but 65 percent of whites agree the level of discrimination against blacks rises to “a lot” or “some.”
Yet when asked whether whites or blacks have a better chance of getting ahead today, 63 percent of whites and 43 percent of blacks said that the chances were equal. (By comparison, 28 percent of whites and 46 percent of blacks said whites had a better chance of getting ahead, and only 5 percent of whites and 4 percent of black said blacks had a better chance.)Read Charles Blow's Op-Ed in the NYT.
Thanks, +Gloria Ahn
The Authenticity Paradox
An excerpt:
Because negative feedback given to leaders often centers on style rather than skills or expertise, it can feel like a threat to their identity—as if they’re being asked to give up their “secret sauce.” That’s how Jacob saw it. Yes, he could be explosive—but from his point of view, his “toughness” allowed him to deliver results year after year. In reality, though, he had succeeded up to this point despite his behavior. When his role expanded and he took on greater responsibility, his intense scrutiny of subordinates became an even bigger obstacle because it took up time he should have been devoting to more-strategic pursuits.Read more in HBR. Thanks, +Alessia Bhargava
The subtle art of not giving a fuck
An excerpt:
Thanks, +Elaine Choi and 10Thoughts
SUBTLETY #1: Not giving a fuck does not mean being indifferent; it means being comfortable with being different.Read more in Mark Manson's post.
Thanks, +Elaine Choi and 10Thoughts
The Secret to Smart Groups: It's Women
"A fleet of MIT studies finds that women are much better at knowing what their colleagues are really thinking. It's another reason to expect the gender wage gap to eventually flip."
Read more in the Atlantic.
Read more in the Atlantic.
What Doesn't Seem Like Work?
I liked this question posed by Paul Graham, founder of Y-Combinator: "What seems like work to other people that doesn't seem like work to you?"
Read more in his post.
Read more in his post.
What male Stanford B-School students learned when they took a female entrepreneurship class
When a few men decided to take a course about entrepreneurship from a women's perspective, they learned what their MBAs were lacking. Read more in FastCompany.
Nice call out +Andrew Yaffe
Nice call out +Andrew Yaffe
In search of lost time: Why is everyone so busy?
Time poverty is a problem partly of perception and partly of distribution. Read more in the Economist.
Thanks, +Tapan Patel
Thanks, +Tapan Patel
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Through Art and Forensics, Faces of Unidentified Victims Emerge
"A student at the New York Academy of Art sculpting the face of an unknown crime victim based on a replica of the person’s skull." Read more in the NYT.
Thanks, +Claire Packer
Thanks, +Claire Packer
HBR Daily Stat: Before Sending a Foreign Colleague That Sympathy Card, Ponder This
The stat:
Comparable selections of sympathy cards in the U.S. and Germany contained an average of 2.90 and 7.30 negative words each, respectively, and 3.50 and 1.35 positive words each, supporting a hypothesis that American culture encourages people to be more positive in the face of sadness, say Birgit Koopmann-Holm and Jeanne L. Tsai of Stanford University. The American cards were also about one-sixth as likely as their German counterparts to include images of death. While Germans are largely descended from people who have remained in Europe and accepted their lot over the centuries, many Americans are descended from emigrants who left their negative environments and focused on a brighter future, and these outlooks seem to be evident in the two cultures’ present-day values, the researchers suggest.Read more in HBR.
Better All the Time
How the “performance revolution” came to athletics—and beyond.
Read more in the New Yorker. Thanks, Ken
Read more in the New Yorker. Thanks, Ken
The on-demand economy: workers on tap
The rise of the on-demand economy poses difficult questions for workers, companies and politicians. Read more in the Economist.
Thanks, Bill
Thanks, Bill
Monday, January 19, 2015
Team’s Mission: Beat the Boys
The Central Illinois Xpress basketball team is the only team of girls in a fifth-grade boys' league. They have an 8-1 record and aren't intimidated.
Read their story in the NYT.
Read their story in the NYT.
How Not to Be ‘Manterrupted’ in Meetings
Read more in TIME.
+Zuhair Khan, the unconcious bias research you sent along was referenced again in here
She Tattooed Half Her Face And You'd Never Know It. Her Skills Are Just That Good.
"For serious burn victims, the only thing worse than the injury itself are the scars left behind. But this incredible medical tattoo technology is giving renewed hope to burn victims." Read more in UpWorthy.
Thanks, +Claire Packer
HBR Daily Stat // Why a Few Laughs at Meetings Can Improve Team Performance
The stat:
Worker teams that experienced humorous interactions, such as a joke followed by laughter followed by another joke, during meetings tended to be rated by supervisors as better at hitting their targets, according to a study of 54 teams in two German industrial organizations by Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock of VU University Amsterdam and Joseph A. Allen of the University of Nebraska. The apparent reason is that these humorous interactions triggered important problem-solving behaviors, such as team members’ raising questions and talking about new ideas. The interactive nature of the humor is important; there was zero effect on teams’ performance from incidences of isolated humorous statements that weren’t followed by group laughter or subsequent jokes, the researchers say.Read more in HBR.
Danish Activist Emma Holten Is Sharing Nude Photos To Combat Revenge Porn
"An ex-boyfriend put nude images of Emma Holten on the Internet -- but she refuses to be ashamed of her naked body. A new photo series featuring Holten nude, shot by a photographer of her own choice, allow the activist to show her body on her own terms."
Some images may be considered NSFW. Check out Emma's story in HuffPo.
Thanks, +Cameron McElroy
Some images may be considered NSFW. Check out Emma's story in HuffPo.
Thanks, +Cameron McElroy
To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This
When more than four people send me an article, I know it has to be good. Check out the story in the NYT.
Thanks, +Elaine Choi, +Corinne Grzybowski, +Alex Reynolds and +Stephanie Gaufin
Thanks, +Elaine Choi, +Corinne Grzybowski, +Alex Reynolds and +Stephanie Gaufin
Managing Your Own Psychology: The Hardest Part Of Entrepreneurism
An excerpt:
Before I “took the leap” to be an entrepreneur, I asked many leaders who I admired what their biggest challenges had been. Most of them spoke of tactical challenges, like hiring the right people, or having the right market timing.
A few of them talked about balancing their work lives with their personal lives. A couple of them talked about learning to be more patient or self-aware.
But none of them — and none of the books I read in the business section of Barnes and Noble — addressed the biggest unspoken challenge of trying to change the world: managing your own psychology.Check out +Ted Gonder's reflection in Elite Daily.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Why Bitcoin Matters
If you've ever wondered what Bitcoin is or why it could be as revolutionary as the internet, this is an excellent overview. Read Marc Andreessen's perspective in the NYT.
Thanks, +Howie Liu
Thanks, +Howie Liu
How Urbane: Dog Rides Seattle Bus To Get To The Park
Our story about Eclipse, the dog that loves the bus and takes it to the dog park by herself, airs tonight @Nightline pic.twitter.com/zybRL0nTQt
— Eric Jensen (@EricJensenTV) January 14, 2015
The most adorable story. Read more in NPR.
Great find, +luke cassereau and +Jeni Lee
Saturday, January 17, 2015
The Dawn Wall: El Capitan’s Most Unwelcoming Route
"Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson etched their names into climbing lore on Wednesday by successfully completing a 19-day free-climb of the Dawn Wall on El Capitan. The route up the mostly smooth granite face is widely considered to be the most difficult free-climb in the world. A free-climb means that ropes are used only to catch a climber’s fall — not to aid the ascent."
Check out the NYT incredible interactive.
Thanks, +Lucas Chapin
Check out the NYT incredible interactive.
Thanks, +Lucas Chapin
My Lovely Wife in the Psych Ward
"We met at 18. We wed at 24. At 27, I checked my wife into a psych ward—for the first time. How mental illness reshapes a marriage."
Read Mark's story in PS Magazine.
Read Mark's story in PS Magazine.
Find Work You Love by Identifying Your Unique Angle
An excerpt:
The other extreme is to do something you don't enjoy which is in demand. As a day job that supports other pursuits, this can work for a limited time. But if you're building a career doing something you don't like, you're heading towards chronic stress, drain, boredom, and possible burnout.
The trouble with this situation is that it's really hard to pull yourself out of. The "golden handcuffs" scenario puts you in a comfortable position where your bills are taken care of, maybe you have some nice benefits, you have autonomy and working for this company gives you credibility. It's hard to give up those things. And it's scary to walk away from security.
But the alternative often means your work drains you, rather than energizing you, and you have nothing left to give to other parts of your life. Your health, relationships, and hobbies suffer.Read more in Lifehacker. Thanks, +Elaine Choi
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Why Women Aren’t C.E.O.s, According to Women Who Almost Were
"It’s not a pipeline problem. It’s about loneliness, competition and deeply rooted barriers." Read more in the NYT .

"Why I don’t talk about race with White people." Read more in Medium .
Even women who earn overwhelmingly positive performance reviews are told that they have ‘personality flaws,’ a new study finds. The double...