Monday, September 29, 2014
The six paths of the typical US college graduate—and why they’re all wrong
"There are currently six prominent paths for achievement-minded recent college graduates: financial services, management consulting, law school (still), med school, and grad school/academia. The sixth is Teach for America, which continues to draw approximately 5,000 graduates (and 50,000 applicants) a year from universities across the country."
Read more in QZ. Thanks, +Clare Murray
Read more in QZ. Thanks, +Clare Murray
Sunday, September 28, 2014
The Best Part Of Life Is Realizing Why It's Better That Things Didn't Work Out
This line:
Everything in your life must have happened in order for you to exist – every single, little thing. You would not be the exact same person if any of your past experiences were different. Even the littlest, most unpleasant things have a way of shaping us into the individuals we were always meant to be.
The greatest moments of clarity in your life will come when you look back at your journey and conclude that it was all necessary and that it’s all beautiful.
That moment you realize that your difficult youth was necessarily difficult.Read more in Elite Daily.
Sense: Know More. Sleep More.
Sense is a simple system that tracks your sleep behavior, monitors the environment of your bedroom and reinvents the alarm. Check-out the Kickstarter Campaign.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Precrastination: Worse Than Procrastination?
Never heard of "pre"-crastination before, but makes a lot of sense. Read more in the Atlantic.
How Karen Kaplan went from receptionist to CEO
"The Hill Holliday CEO finds herself leading the Boston-based ad firm after working her way up the corporate ladder." Read more in Fortune.
How your spouse's personality affects your success at work
"Turns out who you married could be the reason why you didn't get that promotion." Read more in FastCompany.
Friday, September 26, 2014
9 Life Lessons For Ambitious Women, By Established Women
My favorite:
Thanks, Olivia
1. There’s value in sharing your darkest experiences.
In disclosing her lifelong struggle with an eating disorder in Glamour magazine, Zosia Mamet’s goal was not to scapegoat the media for her body image issues, or to advance her career through scandal. Mamet wanted to encourage women to discuss their demons rather than bury them. This is something I’ve long believed in, so it was reassuring to hear the sentiment seconded. In a culture that practically demands cultivating a phony-happy social media presence, sharing the dark stuff is arguably now more important than ever.Check out more in ThoughtCatalog.
Thanks, Olivia
Spent: Looking For Change (Documentary)
Spent: The Documentary has finally launched on YouTube. Check it out.
"Greek filmmaker Nancy Spetsioti directed Tzafar, a powerful short film about casual, every day racism. Its subtlety underscores a powerful and timeless message about how we treat other people."
Read more in A+.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Hunter S. Thompson on Finding Your Purpose
In response to the Wall Street hazards article, +J.J. Raynor sent me this letter written by Hunter Thompson in 1958.
An overview:
What makes his response all the more profound is the fact that at the time, the world had no idea that he would become one of the most important writers of the 20th century. Therefore his beliefs about purpose were hypothetical—they were statements of faith. But if it’s true that our beliefs really do become our reality, then there’s no better example of a life fully realised than the one of Hunter S. Thompson.
Occupational Hazards of Working on Wall Street
...Technology entrepreneurship will never have the power to displace big Wall Street banks in the central nervous system of America’s youth, in part because tech entrepreneurship requires the practitioner to have an original idea, or at least to know something about computers, but also because entrepreneurship doesn’t offer the sort of people who wind up at elite universities what a lot of them obviously crave: status certainty.
“I’m going to Goldman,” is still about as close as it gets in the real world to “I’m going to Harvard,” at least for the fiercely ambitious young person who is ambitious to do nothing in particular.
The question I’ve always had about this army of young people with seemingly endless career options who wind up in finance is: What happens next to them?Read Michael Lewis's piece in Bloomberg View. Thanks, +Ashby Foltz
Miss a Payment? Good Luck Moving That Car
So many thoughts:
Read more in DealBook. Thanks, +Nate Gonzalez
... But before they can drive off the lot, many subprime borrowers like Ms. Bolender must have their car outfitted with a so-called starter interrupt device, which allows lenders to remotely disable the ignition. Using the GPS technology on the devices, the lenders can also track the cars’ location and movements.
The devices, which have been installed in about two million vehicles, are helping feed the subprime boom by enabling more high-risk borrowers to get loans. But there is a big catch. By simply clicking a mouse or tapping a smartphone, lenders retain the ultimate control. Borrowers must stay current with their payments, or lose access to their vehicle...
...Some borrowers say their cars were disabled when they were only a few days behind on their payments, leaving them stranded in dangerous neighborhoods. Others said their cars were shut down while idling at stoplights. Some described how they could not take their children to school or to doctor’s appointments. One woman in Nevada said her car was shut down while she was driving on the freeway...
Read more in DealBook. Thanks, +Nate Gonzalez
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
The Devil's Financial Dictionary
These are hilarious, and a little background:
This glossary of financial terms is inspired by Ambrose Bierce’s masterpiece The Devil’s Dictionary, which the great American satirist published sporadically between 1881 and 1906. Like Bierce’s brilliantly cynical definitions, the explanations presented here should not — quite — be taken as literally true. Some of these entries are adapted from articles published previously in Financial History, Money, and The Wall Street Journal.Read the Devil's Financial Dictionary. Thanks, Vini
The sexual threats against Emma Watson are an attack on every woman
Amanda Taub writes:
In her famous 1996 commencement address, writer Nora Ephron warned the new graduates of Wellesley college that they were entering a world that was hostile to women's achievements and begged them to "take it personally."
"Understand," she said, "every attack on Hillary Clinton for not knowing her place is an attack on you." We must all take such attacks personally, she argued: "Underneath almost all those attacks are the words: Get back, get back to where you once belonged."
On September 21, actress and UN Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson stood up at the UN Headquarters in New York City and delivered a powerful speech condemning the harm that gender discrimination causes to both men and women, and inviting men to become active participants in the global struggle for equality. The next day, anonymous individuals set up a website targeting Watson with sexual threats, counting down the five days until, we were meant to presume, her private nude images would be made public. The threats against Watson are an attack on me — and I take them personally. We all need to.Read more in Vox.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Can women fix capitalism?
"Gender equality at the top of business has stalled, and trust in business is alarmingly low. Putting more women in charge could well be the key to a better future for business and society alike."
Joanna Barsh's McKinsey Quarterly article. So many good things in there about purpose-led companies and conscious capitalism. Thanks, +Alessia Bhargava
Joanna Barsh's McKinsey Quarterly article. So many good things in there about purpose-led companies and conscious capitalism. Thanks, +Alessia Bhargava
A Mother in Jail for Helping Her Daughter Have an Abortion
An excerpt:
On Sept. 12th, Jennifer Whalen, a 39-year-old mother of three in the rural town of Washingtonville, Pa., went to jail to begin serving a 9-to-18-month sentence. Whalen’s crime was, in effect, ordering pills online that her older daughter took in the first several weeks of an unplanned pregnancy, when she was 16, to induce a miscarriage. The medication was a combination of mifepristone (formerly called RU-486) and misoprostol. The drugs have been available from a doctor with a prescription in the United States since 2000 and are used around the world to induce miscarriage.Read more in the NYT. Thanks, Cassie
Why Girls Tend to Get Better Grades Than Boys Do
New research shows that girls are ahead in every subject, including math and science. Do today's grading methods skew in their favor? The Atlantic article brings up a sensitive question:
Are schools set up to favor the way girls learn and trip up boys?Read more in the Atlantic. Thanks, +Alessia Bhargava
Monday, September 22, 2014
HBR Daily Stat: Melanoma Incidence Is Much Higher for Flight Crews
Sigh... another reason to minimize flying:
Airline pilots’ and cabin crews’ incidence of the dangerous skin cancer melanoma is about twice that of the general population, and their death rate from the disease is 42% higher, according to a New York Times report of a scholarly analysis of 19 studies. The reason is unclear, but the researchers point out that exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet A radiation, a melanoma risk factor, is twice as great at 30,000 feet as at ground level, and airplane windows provide only minimal protection. The researchers suggest that crews wear sunscreen when they’re aloft.Read more in HBR.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Watch Emma Watson Deliver a Game-Changing Speech on Feminism for the U.N.
Emma Watson launched the UN's Campaign to bring more men into the gender discussion called #HeForShe. Liked her take on why it's important to have conversations on "feminism" -- men struggle with society's gender norms, too.
Watch her video on Vanity Fair.
Watch her video on Vanity Fair.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Amy Cuddy Takes a Stand
If you haven't seen Amy Cuddy's TED talk, which is now the #2 most watched TED talk of all time, check it out.
The New York Times wrote up the background story and what's happened in the two years since the TED talk was posted online.
Thanks, Andrea S.
The New York Times wrote up the background story and what's happened in the two years since the TED talk was posted online.
Thanks, Andrea S.
Realizing the power of talented women
In 2010, eBay embarked on a journey to bring more women into its top ranks. It found that commitment, measurement, and culture outweigh a business case and HR policies.
Read more in the McKinsey Quarterly.
Thanks, +Kevin Gardner
Read more in the McKinsey Quarterly.
Thanks, +Kevin Gardner
Reframing Your Way To Happiness At Work
All about perspective:
Read more at Forbes.
Does an overflowing inbox stress you out? You’re not alone – but according to Shawn Achor, author of Before Happiness: The 5 Hidden Keys to Achieving Success, Spreading Happiness, and Sustaining Positive Change, some subtle shifts in mindset can dramatically increase your happiness and productivity: “An overflowing email inbox could be a soul-draining activity, but it could be an opportunity to connect with people or a source of leads.”Shawn notes there are five things you can do to train yourself to be happier:
- Writing down three new things you’re grateful for every day;
- Journaling about positive experiences for two minutes;
- 15 minutes of cardiovascular activity, which is “equivalent to taking an antidepressant”;
- 2 minutes of watching your breath go in and out; and
- “The most powerful one is we have people write a two-minute, positive email praising or thanking someone they know for 21 days in a row,” says Achor. “Not only do you see happiness significantly improve, but you see stress levels drop and social support increasing. Social connection is as predictive of how long you live as obesity, high blood pressure, or smoking, so it’s pretty incredible.”
Read more at Forbes.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
How The Most Successful People Manage Their Time
- Do a time log. See how long things take and when your best windows are. (I use Atracker)
- Plan the whole week. Focus on your core competency and what makes you happy.
- Have a morning ritual that gets you closer to your long term goals.
- Set 3-5 anchor events for the weekend. (My favorite)
- Plan something fun for Sunday night.
Check out more in Barking Up the Wrong Tree.
All Work, All the Time: What a CEO and a Barista Have in Common
An notable insight for couples trying to build a two-career household:
Among professionals, the expectation that work always comes first has meant that work hours on are on the rise, especially for men. This comes at the expense of personal and family time. As Rob Newman, a technology executive told me one time, “The negative obviously is that family dinners during the week are totally nonexistent.”
And as work hours among professional men go up, so too do the odds that their wives will quit working. Research by University of Indiana professor Youngjoo Cha found that employed mothers whose husbands worked over 50 hours per week were 44% more likely to quit their job than employed mothers whose husbands worked less.Check out more in LinkedIn.
Thanks, +Anu Parvatiyar
Why Millennials Should Have Kids—and Soon
Thought this was surprising, especially considering that my Facebook newsfeed is blowing up these days with adorable wedding, engagement and baby photos:
Thanks, +Zuhair Khan
... In fact, just over one-in-four Millennials tied the knot between the ages of 18 to 32, according to Pew Research Center...
Friedman’s study looked at the views Generation Xers had toward bearing children as they graduated college in 1992 and Millennials in 2012. Almost eight in 10 Gen Xers said they planned to reproduce, Friedman found, compared to only 42% of Millennials.Hmm, maybe FOMO is bigger than I thought. Read more in TIME.
Thanks, +Zuhair Khan
‘A National Admissions Office’ for Low-Income Strivers
QuestBridge has quietly become a force in college admissions. On some elite campuses, 1 in 10 students come from the program.
Read more in the NYT.
Thanks, +Julia Chou
Read more in the NYT.
Thanks, +Julia Chou
Punishment or Child Abuse?
Michael Eric Dyson cautiously reflects: 'too many black parents believe beatings make kids better people."
THE indictment last week of the N.F.L. player Adrian Peterson by a Texas grand jury for reckless or negligent injury to a child has set into relief the harmful disciplinary practices of some black families. Mr. Peterson used a “switch,” a slim, leafless tree branch, to beat his 4-year-old son, raising welts on the youngster’s legs, buttocks and scrotum. This is child abuse dressed up as acceptable punishment.
While 70 percent of Americans approve of corporal punishment, black Americans have a distinct history with the subject. Beating children has been a depressingly familiar habit in black families since our arrival in the New World. As the black psychiatrists William H. Grier and Price M. Cobbs wrote in “Black Rage,” their 1968 examination of psychological black life: “Beating in child-rearing actually has its psychological roots in slavery and even yet black parents will feel that, just as they have suffered beatings as children, so it is right that their children be so treated.”Read more in the NYT.
To Curb Violent Tendencies, Start Young
Working with aggressive children prevents some from becoming violent, criminal adults. Read more at DukeToday.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Jerry the Bear: Reinventing Diabetes Education Through PLAY
Hannah Chang, one of the co-founders of Design for America (DFA), is helping kids with Type 1 Diabetes learn how to take care of themselves -- by taking care of Jerry.
I love this company's mission. If you have the ability to support the team, check out their Indiegogo campaign.
Thanks, +Cassandra Coravos
I love this company's mission. If you have the ability to support the team, check out their Indiegogo campaign.
Thanks, +Cassandra Coravos
HBR Daily Stat: People Are More Selfish and Dishonest After Doing Math
Research participants who had spent 15 minutes solving math problems were 4 times more likely to lie for personal gain in an ethics game than those who had answered randomly selected verbal questions from a standardized test, says a team led by Long Wang of the City University of Hong Kong. The act of calculating appears to crowd out people’s social and moral concerns, resulting in behavior that is more self-interested and even immoral. Stimuli such as family photos that prompt thoughts about social values appear to diminish these negative effects, the researchers say.Read more in HBR.
The Eisenhower Decision Matrix: How to Distinguish Between Urgent and Important Tasks and Make Real Progress in Your Life
I've been using this method for years -- but think this is one of the best descriptions I've seen of it yet.
Check out more in Art of Manliness.
Thanks, +Inoh Choe
Check out more in Art of Manliness.
Thanks, +Inoh Choe
Sunday, September 14, 2014
The Insane Double Standards for Women Working in Tech
Even women who earn overwhelmingly positive performance reviews are told that they have ‘personality flaws,’ a new study finds. The double standards at play are staggering.
Read more in Inc,
Thanks, +Samantha Pearlman
Read more in Inc,
Thanks, +Samantha Pearlman
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Why the Gender Gap Will Eventually Close
"Research shows real differences in men’s and women’s economic behavior, but suggests more equitable times to come." Read more in the NYT.
Thanks, Dad
Thanks, Dad
I love everything about this.
...and apparently Taylor did, too.
I'm personally inviting all of these guys (and a date!) to a show on tour next year, it's on me. Nailed it, bros!
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) September 12, 2014
Thanks, +J.J. Raynor
Five ways to learn in without burning out
Read more at FastCompany. Thanks, +Amira Choueiki Boland
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
Sunday, September 7, 2014
The Theory of Everything Official Trailer
Yes, there’s a movie about Stephen Hawking, and yes, it’s a romantic drama. Starring Eddie Redmayne (Les Misérables, My Week with Marilyn), this biopic (which has Oscar written all over it) follows the famous physicist as he falls in love with his wife-to-be in the late 1950s--and learns of his debilitating disease.
Read more: Flick Picks | PureWow.
4 odd yet effective ways the smartest people prioritize their days
You've tried everything to organize your priorities better, and still end up scattered. Try these outside-the-box ideas for sorting your day. Read more in FastCompany.
Thanks, +Jordan Dods
Thanks, +Jordan Dods
How to speak so that people want to listen
Interesting -- the "7 Sins of Speaking"
- Gossip - speaking ill of someone
- Judging - evaluating
- Negativity -creating low energy
- Complaining - spreading viral misery
- Excuses -blame thrower who never take responsibility
- Lying - exaggerating facts and situations
- Dogmatism - confusing facts with opinion
Profits with purpose: How organizing for sustainability can benefit the bottom line
Becoming a sustainability leader requires big changes, but the effort is worth it— in both environmental and economic terms.
McKinsey Quarterly takes deep look at the common practices of 40+ high-performing companies on sustainability and shared characteristics of these leaders.
McKinsey Quarterly takes deep look at the common practices of 40+ high-performing companies on sustainability and shared characteristics of these leaders.
Negotiation tips for executives
Everyone's an amateur when it comes to negotiation; executives master the art of business deals, but some don't bargain well for themselves.
Read more in the WSJ. Thanks, +Jordan Dods
Read more in the WSJ. Thanks, +Jordan Dods
Heartbreaking Video Captures Bride's Last Dance With Her Dying Father
The Motherhood Penalty vs. the Fatherhood Bonus
"A Child Helps Your Career, if You’re a Man"
This was interesting:
This was interesting:
There was one exception in Ms. Budig’s study: Women in the top 10 percent of earners lost no income when they had children, and those in the top 5 percent received bonuses, similar to men. She speculated that in these rarefied jobs, employers see high-performing women as more similar to men, and that women might work more and negotiate for higher pay in order to afford household and child care help.Read more in the NYT. Thanks, +Megan Gardner
How to Be Alone: An Antidote to One of the Central Anxieties and Greatest Paradoxes of Our Time
“We live in a society which sees high self-esteem as a proof of well-being, but we do not want to be intimate with this admirable and desirable person.”
Also, this was fascinating:
Also, this was fascinating:
In the Middle Ages the word “spinster” was a compliment. A spinster was someone, usually a woman, who could spin well: a woman who could spin well was financially self-sufficient — it was one of the very few ways that mediaeval women could achieve economic independence. The word was generously applied to all women at the point of marriage as a way of saying they came into the relationship freely, from personal choice, not financial desperation. Now it is an insult, because we fear “for” such women — and now men as well — who are probably “sociopaths.”Read more in BrainPickings. Thanks, +Elaine Choi
Taking a Naked Selfie? Your Phone Should Step In to Protect You
While I personally think Lena Dunham said it best:
The "don't take naked pics if you don't want them online" argument is the "she was wearing a short skirt" of the web. Ugh.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) September 1, 2014
If you did want to have more controls on your phone, this is an interesting argument in the NYT.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
‘Yes’ Is Better Than ‘No’
Michael Kimmel and Gloria Steinem on Consensual Sex on Campus:
Thanks, Ahsha
SUPPOSE someone you know slightly arrives at your home, baggage and all, and just barges in and stays overnight. When you protest, the response is, “Well, you didn’t say no.”
Or imagine that a man breaks into your home while you sleep off a night of drunken revelry, and robs you blind. Did your drinking imply consent?
Until now, this has been the state of affairs in our nation’s laws on sexual assault. Invading bodies has been taken less seriously by the law than invading private property, even though body-invasion is far more traumatic. This has remained an unspoken bias of patriarchal law. After all, women were property until very recently. In some countries, they still are.Read more in the NYT.
Thanks, Ahsha
Beyond 'no means no': the future of campus rape prevention is 'yes means yes'
"Survivors from California to New York say universities are failing students. But a once-in-a-generation moment might be upon us" Read Jessica Valenti's post in the Guardian.
Thanks, Brittany
Thanks, Brittany
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Why Women Aren’t C.E.O.s, According to Women Who Almost Were
"It’s not a pipeline problem. It’s about loneliness, competition and deeply rooted barriers." Read more in the NYT .

"Why I don’t talk about race with White people." Read more in Medium .
Even women who earn overwhelmingly positive performance reviews are told that they have ‘personality flaws,’ a new study finds. The double...